A linear map from to is a function with the properties of:

Given any vectors and

A linear map is a function that satisfies the following properties for any vectors and in a vector space and any scalar :

  • Additivity:
  • Homogeneity:

In other words, a linear map preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication. Additionally, the composition of two linear maps is also a linear map, and the identity function is a linear map.

A linear map can be represented by a matrix in a specific basis, and the matrix of a linear map can be used to transform vectors from one basis to another.

Examples of linear maps are:

  • The identity function defined as
  • The differentiation operation defined as
  • The integration operation defined as
  • A map defined as

Example - The equation of a line

The general equation of a line

Is not a linear map since it doesn’t have the homogeneity property:

Because of the term, that in machine learning lingo is called bias.

Another example

Other equations may not be a linear map with respect to certain variables, but they can with respect to others.

For example the equation is not a linear map w.r.t. or , but it is w.r.t. .

Linear maps form a vector space with addition and multiplication defined trivially. We also have the definition of product between linear maps.

Let and be two linear maps, their product is defined as:

Keep in mind that composition of linear maps is not commutative: .

Since linear maps for a vector space, they have also associativity, identity and distributive properties.